This composite image shows the progression of a partial solar eclipse over Ross Lake, in Northern Cascades National Park, Washington on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017. A total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the contiguous United States from Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. A partial solar eclipse was visible across the entire North American continent along with parts of South America, Africa, and Europe. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)
この(皆既日食)パーティーの主旨は、自動受信ネットワーク、PSK リポーター、そしてWSPRネットを駆使した通信で空中を埋め尽くすことだ!観客席は個人無線局のログで埋め尽くされれば、未だかつて無い規模の電離層における実験になるだろう!
The objective of the Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP) is to flood the airwaves with contacts,
all measured by the automated receiver networks of the Reverse Beacon Network, PSKReporter, and WSPRNet. When those observations are combined with the logs from individual stations, the result will be one of the largest ionospheric experiments ever performed.